CPAP or Constant Positive Airway Pressure is a mode of artificial ventilation of the lungs with the creation of positive pressure in the airways after exhalation. Currently, CPAP-therapy is used for the treatment of snoring, sleep apnea treatment, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, daytime sleepiness, obesity, impotence, insomnia, and depression. How can CPAP-therapy cure so many diseases? It is believed that all of these diseases are closely associated with a disturbance of normal sleep.
Why Do We Snore When We Sleep?
Snoring is the sound of obstructed air movement in the respiratory system due to excessively relaxed throat muscles and tissues. This obstructed air causes the soft tissue in the throat and roof of the mouth to vibrate which creates a sound while sleeping. The snoring noise can be produced both ways- from breathing in and breathing out.
Male Snoring – Causes and Treatments
It is commonly known that men usually snore more than women. According to statistics, more than a third of men and almost one-fifth of women snore after thirty years old, and this increases with age. After the age of 60, 60% of men and more than 30% of women snore. To understanding why men snore more than women, we need to understand the physiology of snoring.