A Guide to Better Sleep for Snorers During Winter

Epworth Sleepiness scale

Snoring can disrupt a peaceful night’s rest, not only for the snorer but also for those sharing their sleep space. For those battling with this issue, snoring relief becomes a sought-after solution. As the winter season unfolds, some people notice their snoring intensifies due to factors like dry air and congestion. This guide will explore ways to stop snoring and help you sleep better during the winter months.

Understanding Snoring

Firstly, it is essential to understand what snoring is and why it happens. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is obstructed during sleep. This obstruction can be due to several reasons, including poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue, excessive throat tissue, or a long soft palate or uvula.

Seasonal Impact on Snoring

Winter can exacerbate snoring in some people due to factors like dry indoor air, increased susceptibility to respiratory infections, and fluctuations in weight. These changes may worsen pre-existing snoring issues or induce snoring in individuals who usually don’t experience it.

How to Stop Snoring and Sleep Better in Winter

1. Hydrate The air in winter tends to be drier, both outside and in heated homes. This dryness can irritate the nose and throat, leading to snoring. Staying hydrated can help soothe these tissues and reduce snoring. Aim to drink at least eight cups of water per day, and consider using a humidifier in your bedroom to maintain optimal moisture levels.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight Weight gain, which can occur due to decreased physical activity during colder months, may worsen snoring. Excessive weight around the neck can put pressure on your throat, causing it to collapse and create the snoring sound during sleep. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can be beneficial for snoring relief.

3. Sleep Position Your sleeping position can significantly influence snoring. Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back wall of your throat, leading to snoring. Try sleeping on your side to help reduce snoring. There are special pillows available to encourage side-sleeping and stop snoring.

4. Nasal Care Taking care of your nasal health is vital during winter, especially if you’re prone to snoring. Use saline nasal sprays or consider a nasal rinse to clear your nasal passages. If you’re suffering from a cold or allergies, treating them promptly can help mitigate snoring.

5. Limit Alcohol and Sedatives Alcohol and sedatives relax the muscles in the throat and interfere with breathing, often leading to or worsening snoring. Try to avoid these substances, especially before bedtime, to aid in snoring relief.

6. Regular Sleep Routine Maintaining a regular sleep routine can also help stop snoring. A proper sleep routine involves going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This helps to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and may contribute to more restful, snore-free sleep.

Snoring can be a major hurdle to achieving restful sleep. However, by understanding its causes and adopting appropriate lifestyle modifications, you can achieve snoring relief and enjoy better sleep during the winter season. If snoring continues to be a problem, it is crucial to seek medical advice, as it may be a sign of a more serious condition like sleep apnea. Remember, a good night’s sleep is not a luxury but an essential part of maintaining good health and wellbeing.

Snoring Remedies and Snoring Facts


The day has ended and the moon shines on the dark velvet night. You gently close your eyes slowly drifting to sleep when suddenly, Zzzzzzzzzzzz. That sound is definitely not music to your or anybody else’s ears!

That sound (that you can’t get out of your head now!) is the nocturnal serenade so many of us play on a nightly basis; snoring.

It’s not only that the noise bothers both the snorer and their partner (if you are like me the noise wakes me up!) but the fact that snoring can affect the whole family because the annoying sound reverberates all throughout the household, especially during the night when things are pretty quiet. However, and more importantly, snoring can be harmful to one’s health in the long run, which is why many individuals are looking for the best snoring remedy that is available.

Some snoring remedies include:

  1. nose strips
  2. special pillows
  3. dental appliances
  4. acupuncture
  5. hypnosis

There are many snoring remedies out in stores. Snoring aids and sleep aids are available at reasonable prices, but if you’ve been snoring for some time, it may be time to seek professional help, as your snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires professional help. People actually die from this condition due to the sudden cessation of breathing during sleep which causes strain on the heart. If you think you have sleep apnea you need to seek medical advice immediately and get an overnight sleep apnea test.

I sing seriously to my mom on the phone. To put her to sleep, I have to sing ‘Maria’ from West Side Story. When I hear her snoring, I hang up.

Adam Sandler

Causes of Snoring

The causes of snoring vary from one individual to another. Some snore because they are overweight, while others claim that they snore because of certain types of foods they eat. If you’re overweight, one of the things you need to consider is losing some weight. This will come with many other benefits apart from reducing or eliminating your snoring. A change in lifestyle is the best solution if lifestyle is the cause of your weight, although it might be difficult at first, you will get used to it after some time.

The sleeping position may also trigger snoring. Sleeping with your mouth open, or lying on your back are common causes of snoring. There are sleeping devices that you can use at night to support the jaw and that will keep your mouth closed. Others lie on their side to avoid snoring. I have used many of these devices but some can be very uncomfortable. You will need to try some out before you find one that suits you.

You can also inhale steam before you go to sleep. Your nasal passages will open up, and you will find it easier to breathe. You can also use a system of air filtration that will not only filter our allergens like pet hair, dust, and cigarette smoke but will usually help in opening the nasal passages also.

People are always looking for the best way to stop snoring. To completely stop snoring is quite impossible, but remedies can lessen the ‘snoring scenario’ every night. There is no best among the best; all you can do is find the best remedy that will work for you.

Consult your doctor first before you use any special device. Seeking medical help is the best way to deal with excessive snoring.


Some useful books on how to stop snoring for everyone’s sake!